NCWWI’s Key Principles: Mastering Cultural Humility

This document highlights the tenets of Cultural Humility, an approach characterized by openness, self-awareness, and introspection in our relationships with others who are different from us. Key principles include:

  • Embracing the complexity of diversity
  • Open to the unique and the social
  • Reserving judgment
  • Communicating with others in the easiest way for them to understand
  • Thinking of cultural humility as an ongoing endeavor
  • Instilling a spirit of collaboration
  • Showing practical knowledge of the children and families’ homes
  • Knowing oneself and addressing biases
  • Questioning the open-mindedness to unlearn
  • Creating structures within an organization that show cultural humility

For a more detailed understanding of these principles and their application across multiple contexts check out the complete paper. This will facilitate rich and nuanced discussions about how we can create and continue to maintain reciprocal relationships, mutual empowerment, respect, partnership, optimal care and lifelong learning in an equitable way that is sensitive to the complexities of diverse environments.

Black Men Heal
Cultural Humility