By Gabriella Nurhapy
In addition to our research study, we formed a diverse and representative task force of policy professionals and child welfare advocates to help guide the EMBRACE project. Our Task Force members come from various backgrounds, but they all share their commitment to supporting kids in foster care and are actively pushing for change.
One remarkable member is Keri Richmond, whose advocacy spans multiple fronts. As a former youth in foster care, Keri brings an invaluable, authentic lived experience to her work. Keri shares her personal story to raise awareness about the challenges faced by youth in foster care and utilizes the media to bring these issues to a broader audience.
Keri is actively involved in policy advocacy, pushing for improvements in the foster care system and better support for youth transitioning to adulthood. This year Keri launched her consulting firm, Keri Hope Co, focusing on translating words into action in foster care advocacy, policy, and health issues. Keri centers on authentic stories of those in foster care and is passionate about creating systemic change in Washington, D.C.
Kidsave has been working with Keri Hope Co to advocate for crucial support in the Title IV-B reauthorization. Recently, Keri joined KidSave CEO and co-founder Randi Thompson and DC Director Jenny Lawhorn Sammis on Capitol Hill to share with policymakers the importance of mentorship. The House Ways & Means Committee recently held a hearing on the Title IV-B reauthorization where Paris Hilton testified, highlighting the importance of mentorship in her responses to policymakers.
In addition to her work with Keri Hope Co, Keri has been recording the fourth season of her podcast, Unbelievably Resilient podcast, which features former foster youth sharing their journeys of moving from trauma to triumph.
Keri Hope Co worked with the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute this summer to help advise their foster youth interns. The Foster Youth Internship is a competitive national internship for students and recent graduates with lived experience in foster care interested in federal policy and advocacy. The interns write a federal child welfare policy report and are placed in the Washington, D.C. legislative offices of members of the U.S. Congress. Keri oversaw the interns’ report writing process and prepared them for their congressional briefing. You can read the 2024 report here.
Keri’s dedication to foster youth advocacy, her personal experience, and professional expertise make her an indispensable member of our task force. Visit Keri Hope Co to learn more about her ongoing work to impact the lives of children in foster care.